Course Description

This course is designed for the novice as well as the beginner. We will help you get started with 7 easy steps and then deep dive into the endless possibilities Facebook offers professionals/small businesses.

CEO/ Owner of

David Riklan

When David started building over 10 years ago, he had a simple mission: to provide quality information about great resources for people to improve their lives.His goal was to provide the widest array of information on topics that people cared about, including health, finances, relationships, spirituality and personal success. He studied the experts and was determined to bring the best information available to the widest range of people.His philosophy was simple. There is no "one secret" to success. What works for one person may not particularly work for the next. With that philosophy in mind, he built the # 1 self improvement website on the internet, published 5 books and, through his speaking and seminars, teaches countless people how to match their needs and background to the philosophy, the system, the product and the expert that will work best for them.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Facebook for Business Your First 7 Steps

    • VIDEO -- Facebook for Business Your First 7 Steps

    • SLIDES -- Facebook for Business Your First 7 Steps

    • RESOURCES -- Facebook for Business Your First 7 Steps

  • 2

    8 Proven Facebook Strategies for Authors, Experts, Coaches and Speakers

    • VIDEO -- 8 Proven Facebook Strategies for Authors, Experts, Coaches and Speakers

    • SLIDES -- 8 Proven Facebook Strategies for Authors, Experts, Coaches and Speakers

    • RESOURCES -- 8 Proven Facebook Strategies for Authors, Experts, Coaches and Speakers

  • 3

    Effective Facebook and Twitter Content Strategies for Small Business

    • VIDEO -- Effective Facebook and Twitter Content Strategies for Small Business

    • SLIDES -- Effective Facebook and Twitter Content Strategies for Small Business

    • RESOURCES -- Effective Facebook and Twitter Content Strategies for Small Business

  • 4

    Bonus Content

    • ****Top Social Media Influencers for 2017****

  • $1,200.00

    $1,200.00Social Media Mogul Club All Access

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